dinsdag 1 juni 2010


Ons eerste verhaal:

Ons uitgangspunt is erg zakelijk. Het gaat bij dit verhaal meer over het vertrouwen en de zakenrelatie tussen Zula en haar klant. Om toch te kiezen voor een lunch in een restaurant is een manier om een vertrouwensband te scheppen tussen deze twee mensen. En op deze manier zal de communicatie ook duidelijker en beter verlopen.

In de auto:

- Ze is te laat en stuurt haar reserveringsnummer naar het restaurant met daarbij de melding dat ze te laat is en bij het restaurant verschijnt op de gereserveerde tafel een bericht aan haar klant waarin ze zich verontschuldigd.

- Ze zit in de auto en wil zich inlezen over haar klant. Ze zegt de naam en geboortedatum van haar klant en de autocomputer vertelt haar de nodige informatie.

- Deze computer zoekt de meest handige parkeerplek en leidt haar daar ook naar toe. Op de parkeerplek parkeert de auto zichzelf .


- Zula logt bij de ingang van het restaurant in op haar reserveringsnummer. Bij het inloggen geeft ze aan dat zij en haar klant een uur hebben om te lunchen zodat het restaurant zich daar aan kan aanpassen. Ook geeft ze meteen door wat ze wil drinken zodat het drankje zo snel mogelijk op tafel staat.

- Bij het inloggen komt ere en kledinghanger uit een soort kast achter te computer te voor schijn waar ze haar jas aan kan hangen. Dit haakje is gelinkt aan haar reserveringsnummer en naam en zodra ze zich uitlogt komt automatisch dit haakje met haar jas weer uit de kast.

- Ze loopt naar haar tafel die ze al aangewezen had gekregen toen ze de tafel reserveerde. Bij de reservering kon ze haar tafelvoorkeuren van haar en haar klant doorgeven en het restaurant liet haar gelijk een overzicht zien van het restaurant met daarop een aantal tafelmogelijkheden. Op dat overzicht koos zij ter plekke een tafel en aan die tafel gaat ze nu zitten. De reservering is via de telefoon gemaakt en op een ipad-achtig scherm zie je het overzicht met de mogelijkheden. Dit overzicht met daarop de tafel en reserveringsnummer aangegeven stuurt ze meteen door naar haar klant.

- Ze geeft haar klant een hand en door middel van sieraden, in geval hebben ze beiden een ring, krijgen ze beiden belangrijke informatie over elkaar. De sieraden vertellen ze een aantal eigenschappen en/of irritaties van de persoon zien waardoor een gesprek altijd prettig kan verlopen. Bijvoorbeeld als iemand er niet tegen kan dat de persoon waarmee hij of zij praat de hele tijd alles verbeterd. Deze informatie wordt via een zendertje in je oor ontvangen en door middel van stemgeluid aan de persoon verteld.

- Zula gaat zitten en de stoel scant haar culinaire voorkeuren en allergie informatie. Tegelijkertijd wordt voor de ober ook duidelijk waar Zula zit en waar de gerechten dus geserveerd moeten worden.

- Zula opent het gesprek en legt haar ipad-phone op de interactieve tafel op een daarvoor bedoelde plek. De Ipad-phone maakt verbinding met de tafel en zo kan Zula aan haar klant laten zien wat ze hem wil laten zien. Ze hoeft daarvoor niet op haar ipad-phone te werken maar kan ook op de tafel haar presentatie laten zien met touchscreen en als het nodig is kan ze bepaalde objecten in 3d naar boven laten komen om een duidelijker beeld te geven.

- Op de interactieve tafel verschijnt een pop-up van het restaurant. Zodra dit wordt aangeklikt verschijnen de menumogelijkheden bij de desbetreffende persoon. Ook staan er drankjes bij.

- Ze kiezen een gerecht en gaan verder met de presentatie.

- Het eten wordt gebracht door een ober. Zodra de borden neergezet worden verschijnt er naast het bord een overzicht van de ingrediƫnten.

- De presentatie van Zula is inmiddels afgelopen en tijdens het eten bespreken ze nog een aantal zaken.

- Als ze klaar zijn met eten, leggen ze hun bestek neer zoals je dat doet als je uitgegeten bent. Zo wordt het bestek gescand en weet het personeel dat ze uitgegeten zijn.

- Zula vraagt de rekening via de tafel. Deze krijgt ze op haar plek getoond. Ze gaat de rekening betalen met haar creditcard. De kaart legt ze op de tafel en deze wordt gescand. Ze toetst haar code in en de rekening is betaald.

- De klant en Zula nemen afscheid.

- Zula logt uit neemt haar jas mee uit de muur. En loopt naar haar auto.

Research links

These are some links that show examples of the technologies we use:






Ons tweede verhaal:

Zula: Plans her day the evening before, by dictating what errands and things she needs to do, times to meet people etc., so the smart-pad can organize the day for her in a most effective way. One of the things she needs to do is meet a new client for lunch at 13.00 and they only have one and a half hour for the whole meeting. The smart pad suggests what restaurants are in a close range of where Zula has planned to be before the meeting. She picks one she likes, the smart-pad then makes the reservation for her, also sends a notice to the client's device, with the location of the meeting, the time and the reservation number.


A SMART-PAD: a phonelike device that connects and communicates to various applications and gadgets via network. It is a phone, a planner, a computer, a remote control all in one, the size of an iphone. It has a touch screen, can show 3D print images, project holographs that can be manipulated while they're being projected, also a recording device and a payment device and an identity card of the person carrying it, it can be voice controlled aswell.
It contains all your personal data, medical history, cv, etc., ...
Zula is slightly late and the smart pad has already sent a notice to the restaurant and the client that comes on time and while being seated at their table receives a box of his favourite chocolates as an excuse for Zula's being late. Zula enters the restaurant. At the door her smart-pad connects to the restaurant computer, a holograph of a waiter at the door greets her with her name, asks her what she would like to drink and has it ordered, while she hangs her jacket on the automatic coat hanger coming out of the closet. The hook reacts to her reservation number, and also automatically pops out of the closet when she leaves. At that point the smart pad also transfers info on her food preferences and allergies to the restaurant computer, which allows the restaurant to offer her a special customized menu.

THE RING: Zula wears a ring that contains information on some of her basic preferences, likes and dislikes, merital status etc. The information can be changed and updated via the SMART-PAD, in common practice the INFO-JEWLERY is a practical way to share basic info with people you meet, either by shaking hands with them, hugging, or greeting.
She approaches the table greets and shakes hands with the client. Her ring and his wristwatch exchange basic info about eachother via a chip built into the ear where the info is exchanged via sound. Now she knows he doesn't like to be interrupted while speaking, that he likes to laugh, that long silences make him uncomfortable etc., so knowing that makes it easier for her to interact with him.

THE SMART-TABLE: Is a normal table with an inbuilt smart technology that is a regular thing serially being built into furniture and various surfaces in public spaces. The restaurant table in particular is a touch screen has a holographic projector built in, is an advanced computer, also enables users to project images for virtual retinal display.
Zula sits down, the drink she ordered at the door is already waiting for her on the table, that displays the menu the restaurant suggests for her according to the preferences her smart pad communicated to the restaurant computer. She makes her choice by touching the name of the food in the list displayed on the table.
While waiting for their food the client and Zula discuss business. The client shows her what sort of ideas he had in mind. His smart pad communicates the information and images to the table that then projects them onto Zula's retina so they don't disturb other guests at the restaurant. Zula looks at the material, and reads quickly to the clients notes and then uses the same way to show the client the results of her work, also what she had in mind for him, the plans and strategies, that they then discuss.
She also sends him the files she prepared for him using the voice manipulated file sender application on her smart-pad.
In the meantime their food arrives, also the new drinks as the table weighed the glasses and reported to the restaurant computer they were empty. To confirm a new drink coming Zula klicked the table while the client voice confirmed, and changed the order from having a glas of water before, to wanting a glass of red wine now.

The cutlery the restaurant uses is specific for that restaurant. It has a a chip built in, so that if you arrange it on your plate in a certain manner it can either mean you are finished eating, you wish to have more, or you want the waiter to come. The table then reads the position of the cutlery and forwards the message to the restaurant computer.
When finished eating, Zula places the cuttlery according to the instructions displayed on the table, as the table can detect by the wiught of the plate her plate is empty. She chooses to place it so as to tell the restaurant she would like to have a bill, that is then projected onto her retina. She pays for the mealvia her smart-pad confirming the payment by saying yes.
The client and Zula both are in a hurry as the ne hour they took for the lunch is almost over, they both agree the meeting has been successful, that they will read up on the info and files they exchanged and continue working together, meeting further at a different occasion. At the exit the hooks with their coats slide out the closet, the holographic waiter wishes them a pleasant day and bids them goodbye. They leave.

woensdag 28 april 2010

Proces the Aroma


The cost of one machine will be 300 euro’s. This is based on the price of a IPod.
What I found of information of retail value of a iPod:The retail value of the 30-gigabyte video iPod that the authors examined was $299. The most expensive component in it was the hard drive, which was manufactured by Toshiba and costs about $73. The next most costly components were the display module (about $20), the video/multimedia processor chip ($8) and the controller chip ($5). They estimated that the final assembly, done in China, cost only about $4 a unit.

Because The Aroma will not be so much different then a iPod. Infact the system/ software is easier. You don’t have allot of applications. Only the most important thing is that. You have to put the smell into the device. And that it has to come out. When it’s empty, you will have to replace it.But this isn’t a hard progress, and doesn’t cost allot of money. Because the technique is eassy.

For the wine bar their will have to be 20 Aroma’s (the machine). To make the wine bar a success. Because people will come in groups. Or different kind of small groups like couples, triples, etc.
Cost of wine arrangement inclusive with food and with the device.
3 glasses of wine in 1,5 our 12,50 Euros
7 glasses of wine in 2,5 ours 22,50 Euros
10 glasses of wine 4 ours 49,00 Euros
Sow if you have 20 people that take 10 glasses 980,00 Euros.

It’s an investment, and the wine bar will have not much extra costs thenther wine bars/ restaurant. You will have to see it, that somebody invest in a new stow.

dinsdag 27 april 2010

Wine for dummies

Discovering How to Sniff a Glass of Wine
The process of tasting a wine - of systematically experiencing all the wine's attributes — involves three steps: Looking at it, smelling it, and, finally, tasting it. Before you explore the smelling ritual, know that a) you don't have to apply this procedure to every single wine you drink; b) you won't look foolish doing it, at least in the eyes of other wine lovers; and c) it's a great trick at parties to avoid talking with someone you don't like.

Swirl 'n' sniff
To get the most out of your wine sniffing, you swirl the wine in the glass first. Don't even think about swirling your wine if your glass is more than half full — you'll end up sloshing it everywhere.
Here's a closer look at how to swirl and sniff your wine:

1. Keep your glass on the table and rotate it three or four times so that the wine swirls around inside the glass and mixes with air.
As you swirl, the aromatic compounds in the wine vaporize so that you can smell them. Wine has so many of these compounds that whatever scent you detect probably isn't a figment of your imagination.

2. Quickly bring the glass to your nose, stick your nose right into the airspace of the glass where the aromas are captured, and smell the wine.
Try different techniques of sniffing. Some people like to take short, quick sniffs, while others like to inhale a deep whiff of the wine's smell. Keeping your mouth open a bit while you inhale can help you perceive aromas. (Some people even hold one nostril closed and smell with the other.)

3. Free-associate — think of what the aroma brings to mind.
Is the aroma fruity, woodsy, fresh, cooked, intense, light? Your nose tires quickly, but it recovers quickly, too. Wait just a moment and try again. Listen to your friends' comments and try to find the same things they find in the smell.

The point behind this whole ritual of swirling and sniffing is that what you smell should be pleasurable, maybe even fascinating, and that you should have fun in the process.
Keep these pointers in mind as you sniff around:
Don't wear a strong scent; it will compete with the smell of the wine.
Don't knock yourself out smelling a wine when there are strong food aromas around. The tomatoes you smell in the wine could really be the tomato in someone's pasta sauce.
Become a smeller. When it comes to smelling wine, many people are concerned that they aren't able to detect as many aromas as they think they should. Train your nose by smelling every ingredient when you cook, the foods you eat, the fresh fruits and vegetables at the market, and even the smells of your environment — like leather, wet earth, fresh road tar, grass, your wet dog, shoe polish, everything. Stuff your mental database with smells so that you'll have aroma memories at your disposal when you need to draw on them.
Smelling wine is really just a matter of practice and attention. If you start to pay more attention to smells in your normal activities, you'll get better at smelling wine.

Lingo to know
With poetic license typical of wine tasters, someone once dubbed the smell of a wine its nose — and the expression took hold. If someone says that a wine has a huge nose, he means that the wine has a very strong smell. If the wine enthusiast detects lemon in the nose or on the nose, she means that the wine smells a bit like lemons.
In fact, most wine tasters rarely use the word smell to describe how a wine smells because the word smell (like the word odor) has negative connotations. Instead, wine tasters talk about the wine's nose or aroma. Sometimes they use the word bouquet, although that word is falling out of fashion.

Just as a wine taster might use the term nose for the smell of a wine, he might use the word palate in referring to the taste of a wine. A wine's palate is the overall impression the wine gives in your mouth, or any isolated aspect of the wine's taste, as in "This wine has a harmonious palate," or "The palate of this wine is a bit acidic." When a wine taster says that she finds raspberries on the palate, he means that the wine has the flavour of raspberries.

example of wine smelling

This is a example, what people with a strong wine knowledge do, to learn the different kind of smells in wine. Sow they can recognised it later. When theire tasting wine blind. Or for in a restaurant.

Examples Wine Tasting