woensdag 28 april 2010


The cost of one machine will be 300 euro’s. This is based on the price of a IPod.
What I found of information of retail value of a iPod:The retail value of the 30-gigabyte video iPod that the authors examined was $299. The most expensive component in it was the hard drive, which was manufactured by Toshiba and costs about $73. The next most costly components were the display module (about $20), the video/multimedia processor chip ($8) and the controller chip ($5). They estimated that the final assembly, done in China, cost only about $4 a unit.

Because The Aroma will not be so much different then a iPod. Infact the system/ software is easier. You don’t have allot of applications. Only the most important thing is that. You have to put the smell into the device. And that it has to come out. When it’s empty, you will have to replace it.But this isn’t a hard progress, and doesn’t cost allot of money. Because the technique is eassy.

For the wine bar their will have to be 20 Aroma’s (the machine). To make the wine bar a success. Because people will come in groups. Or different kind of small groups like couples, triples, etc.
Cost of wine arrangement inclusive with food and with the device.
3 glasses of wine in 1,5 our 12,50 Euros
7 glasses of wine in 2,5 ours 22,50 Euros
10 glasses of wine 4 ours 49,00 Euros
Sow if you have 20 people that take 10 glasses 980,00 Euros.

It’s an investment, and the wine bar will have not much extra costs thenther wine bars/ restaurant. You will have to see it, that somebody invest in a new stow.

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