woensdag 31 maart 2010
Advantages and Disadvantages
Tails, by their very presence, will make the wearer stand out, which can be a advantage in many social situations (looking for a partner or (some) jobs, traffic, etc)Provided a suitable mapping is used they may be able to indicate emotions the wearer finds hard to verbalise (the very existence of professional poets and song-writers implies that this is often found hard).
As a fashion-accessory it implies a desire to communicate, something that isn't found in many other such devices. In fact it could be argued that many -if not most- hinder this, for example by making the wearer harder to approach (as in earbuds) harder to read emotionally (for example sunglasses) or even appear aloof (various more expensive products). Unlike other products aimed at communication (like for example smart-phones) there is no need for the "audience" of the tail to own one as well to benefit from it.
The emphasis on involuntary honesty might well lead to tail-wearers to be perceived as more dependable, which could have social benefits.The tail, after some practice, could be used to balance the user (for example in activities like skating).
The tail might be used for simple tasks, like pushing buttons, when one's hands are full. This kind of utility might include sexual activity. While this might sound far-fetched at first-sight the authors suspect that some people might find the concept of a extra source of stimulation that also doubles as a unambiguous feedback mechanism on the received stimulation (tail-based or more traditional) will appeal to certain target audiences.
The tail might be able to comfort the user, in a way much like crossing one's arms would, either for literal heat or as a way to socially shield one's body. It might also be used to do the same for others, again like a arm.
Tails, as a new sort of "limb", will likely demand new models of clothes, further diversifying that market in a way that will likely lead to price increases. The same may hold true for furniture, like seats, that may become unsuitable for wearers of tails. Of course this might also be deemed a positive factor by early adaptors to those markets.
In some situations, like rush-hour in public transport, the space taken up by the tail may in itself be a undesirable factor.
involuntary emotional expressions might lead to undesirable side-effects.Examples of this could include workers in public positions who aren't expected to show emotions like impatience or even disgust with customers, patients and the like. In the most extreme case this could break political careers, relationships and other social contracts, where it is traditionally important to "keep up appearances". This could lead to the "showing of tails" becoming a taboo subject, much like the showing of legs, necks, breasts and genitals is in many cultures. It should be noted that the way in which some of those parts of the body can involuntarily display feelings (at least of certain kinds) might have been a part in their public display having become taboo. This could be mitigated to a large degree by new models -and types- of clothing and jewellery.
A device like this, especially initially, would come with a hefty price-tag, putting it out of range of large sections of the population. This factor, combined with the above-mentioned possible advantages in employment of tail-wearers could theoretically lead to a more class-based society.
The implantation of technological devices, especially ones attached to the (central) nervous system would come with potentially serious health-risks. Extraordinary care would need to be taken to avoid problems like infection, disabilities and indeed serious communication issues should the device be unsuccessfully implanted or malfunction.
Tails, by their very presence, will make the wearer stand out, which can be a advantage in many social situations (looking for a partner or (some) jobs, traffic, etc)Provided a suitable mapping is used they may be able to indicate emotions the wearer finds hard to verbalise (the very existence of professional poets and song-writers implies that this is often found hard).
As a fashion-accessory it implies a desire to communicate, something that isn't found in many other such devices. In fact it could be argued that many -if not most- hinder this, for example by making the wearer harder to approach (as in earbuds) harder to read emotionally (for example sunglasses) or even appear aloof (various more expensive products). Unlike other products aimed at communication (like for example smart-phones) there is no need for the "audience" of the tail to own one as well to benefit from it.
The emphasis on involuntary honesty might well lead to tail-wearers to be perceived as more dependable, which could have social benefits.The tail, after some practice, could be used to balance the user (for example in activities like skating).
The tail might be used for simple tasks, like pushing buttons, when one's hands are full. This kind of utility might include sexual activity. While this might sound far-fetched at first-sight the authors suspect that some people might find the concept of a extra source of stimulation that also doubles as a unambiguous feedback mechanism on the received stimulation (tail-based or more traditional) will appeal to certain target audiences.
The tail might be able to comfort the user, in a way much like crossing one's arms would, either for literal heat or as a way to socially shield one's body. It might also be used to do the same for others, again like a arm.
Tails, as a new sort of "limb", will likely demand new models of clothes, further diversifying that market in a way that will likely lead to price increases. The same may hold true for furniture, like seats, that may become unsuitable for wearers of tails. Of course this might also be deemed a positive factor by early adaptors to those markets.
In some situations, like rush-hour in public transport, the space taken up by the tail may in itself be a undesirable factor.
involuntary emotional expressions might lead to undesirable side-effects.Examples of this could include workers in public positions who aren't expected to show emotions like impatience or even disgust with customers, patients and the like. In the most extreme case this could break political careers, relationships and other social contracts, where it is traditionally important to "keep up appearances". This could lead to the "showing of tails" becoming a taboo subject, much like the showing of legs, necks, breasts and genitals is in many cultures. It should be noted that the way in which some of those parts of the body can involuntarily display feelings (at least of certain kinds) might have been a part in their public display having become taboo. This could be mitigated to a large degree by new models -and types- of clothing and jewellery.
A device like this, especially initially, would come with a hefty price-tag, putting it out of range of large sections of the population. This factor, combined with the above-mentioned possible advantages in employment of tail-wearers could theoretically lead to a more class-based society.
The implantation of technological devices, especially ones attached to the (central) nervous system would come with potentially serious health-risks. Extraordinary care would need to be taken to avoid problems like infection, disabilities and indeed serious communication issues should the device be unsuccessfully implanted or malfunction.
Examples of tails
These video's where an inspiration for us. And it's a possibility for the way our tail could work.
It's not about whe think the video's ar so good, but this is a good way how to show the way the tail of a cat moves
a tail that goes in and out of the bottom is a good idea.
Look the wat the tail moves:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ62nD9F__k
Concept Eno Tail
For our concept we want to create an "EMO" tail attached to the lower back. It moves and reacts to our behavior and feelings.It is an extension of our body that reveals how we feel in certain situations, but in a more obvious way than our usual body behaviour does. The goal is to prevent us from hiding our feelings and affections towards other people and various social situations we find ourselves in. we feel we live in a society where showing feelings has become a controlled behaviour and eventhough science claims 90% of our interaction still consists of body language, we believe that the 10% made of spoken communication make up for the bigger and more cinvincing part of the interaction. An "EMO" tail would be an obvious signal, something we would not be able to control or hide, so a very obvious manifestation.As we think it would improve our emotional and social interaction it would with a big probability also cause us a lot of problems, confront us with situations we would usually try to avoid or find embarrasing.
The tail would stretch down to our feet when in a "sleeping" mode and move simmilar to the way the tail of cats and dogs does. It moves on its own. You cannot control it as it is like the rest of our body language a subconscious manifestation. It doesn’t work like we human, how we can control with moving our body. Like our hands, legs, arm, lips, etc. It will move on our impulses and the tail reacts to it. For example like blushing. Because women and men react differently there will be a tail for men and one for a female.
Thing that the tail for example can do, is that it glows from lightly till hard bright light but also a twinkle light at the top (like the finger of E.T.).That it goes up (erect), it has warmth and heath, it can shake & vibrate and its retract, it can come in and out sow you have the possibility to hide it.
A possibility the tail would like is with silicon combine with technology.
The tail would stretch down to our feet when in a "sleeping" mode and move simmilar to the way the tail of cats and dogs does. It moves on its own. You cannot control it as it is like the rest of our body language a subconscious manifestation. It doesn’t work like we human, how we can control with moving our body. Like our hands, legs, arm, lips, etc. It will move on our impulses and the tail reacts to it. For example like blushing. Because women and men react differently there will be a tail for men and one for a female.
Thing that the tail for example can do, is that it glows from lightly till hard bright light but also a twinkle light at the top (like the finger of E.T.).That it goes up (erect), it has warmth and heath, it can shake & vibrate and its retract, it can come in and out sow you have the possibility to hide it.
A possibility the tail would like is with silicon combine with technology.
technische les
De + kanten moesten verbonden worden aan de + kant. en de - aan de min kant van de batterij en de lampjes (ledjes).
Bij de ledjes was de korte kant de min kant en de lange kant de + kant. Bij de batterij was de boven kant de + kant en de onderkant de - kant.
De chiphouder stond centraal, hieruit moesten alle draden goed lopen. naar de batterij en de ledjes.
Al om al, was het heel ingewikkeld om de draden goed te laten verlopen naar de bronnen. En wegens de onderdelen zo klein waren, was het een heel gepriel!
dinsdag 16 maart 2010
MULTIPLEX Transnatural
Dit is een expositie over culturele technologie in het Trouw Amsterdam gebouw.
Het is een confrontatie met een scheiding tussen natuur en technologie. En wat dat heeft opgeleverd. Hierin is kunst, design en wetenschap een nieuwe werkelijkheid gecreëerd heeft.
Het is een proces waar men deel uit maakt, het beïnvloedt ons leven steeds meer.
We kunnen tegenwoordig niet meer zonder de technologie maar we kunnen ook niet zonder natuur. Daarom maakt deze expositie juist zo interessant. omdat zij dit samenvoegen, als dat het zo moet zijn. Deze twee eigenschappen zijn altijd elkaars tegenpolen geweest. En is er maatschappelijk te kort aan energie en aan grondstoffen. Maar nu helpt het elkaar.
Dit zie je bijvoorbeeld erg goed in de MudTub van Thomas Gerhardt. De modder is de organische interface waarbij je een computer bediend. Door met het modder te spelen. Een tegenovergesteld voorbeeld is de Bit fall door Julius Popp. De door het internet verzamelde informatie laat de Bit Fall een waterval stromen van water. Elke druppel is een pixel.
Bij deze twee voorbeelden zie je natuur, technologie en Design er goed samenkomen. Het is niet alleen dat het goed werkt, het is ook nog is erg mooi en interessant om naar te kijken.
Een wat minder goed voorbeeld vond ik de Prickbot door Ralf Schreiber. Wat een robot is die op zonne-energie werkt. Hij maakt rondjes en prikt willekeurig gaatjes in een blad van aluminium. Dit wordt geprojecteerd waarmee een zonnestelsel gecreëerd mee wordt. Dit vond ik niet indrukwekkend vergeleken met de overige projecten die er te zien waren. Het was voor mij niet iets vernieuwend. Wel was het idee erg leuk, en paste het wel goed binnen in het Trans natural.
Het was al om al zeker de moeite waard om gezien te hebben.
Het is een confrontatie met een scheiding tussen natuur en technologie. En wat dat heeft opgeleverd. Hierin is kunst, design en wetenschap een nieuwe werkelijkheid gecreëerd heeft.
Het is een proces waar men deel uit maakt, het beïnvloedt ons leven steeds meer.
We kunnen tegenwoordig niet meer zonder de technologie maar we kunnen ook niet zonder natuur. Daarom maakt deze expositie juist zo interessant. omdat zij dit samenvoegen, als dat het zo moet zijn. Deze twee eigenschappen zijn altijd elkaars tegenpolen geweest. En is er maatschappelijk te kort aan energie en aan grondstoffen. Maar nu helpt het elkaar.
Dit zie je bijvoorbeeld erg goed in de MudTub van Thomas Gerhardt. De modder is de organische interface waarbij je een computer bediend. Door met het modder te spelen. Een tegenovergesteld voorbeeld is de Bit fall door Julius Popp. De door het internet verzamelde informatie laat de Bit Fall een waterval stromen van water. Elke druppel is een pixel.
Bij deze twee voorbeelden zie je natuur, technologie en Design er goed samenkomen. Het is niet alleen dat het goed werkt, het is ook nog is erg mooi en interessant om naar te kijken.
Een wat minder goed voorbeeld vond ik de Prickbot door Ralf Schreiber. Wat een robot is die op zonne-energie werkt. Hij maakt rondjes en prikt willekeurig gaatjes in een blad van aluminium. Dit wordt geprojecteerd waarmee een zonnestelsel gecreëerd mee wordt. Dit vond ik niet indrukwekkend vergeleken met de overige projecten die er te zien waren. Het was voor mij niet iets vernieuwend. Wel was het idee erg leuk, en paste het wel goed binnen in het Trans natural.
Het was al om al zeker de moeite waard om gezien te hebben.
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