woensdag 31 maart 2010

Concept Eno Tail

For our concept we want to create an "EMO" tail attached to the lower back. It moves and reacts to our behavior and feelings.It is an extension of our body that reveals how we feel in certain situations, but in a more obvious way than our usual body behaviour does. The goal is to prevent us from hiding our feelings and affections towards other people and various social situations we find ourselves in. we feel we live in a society where showing feelings has become a controlled behaviour and eventhough science claims 90% of our interaction still consists of body language, we believe that the 10% made of spoken communication make up for the bigger and more cinvincing part of the interaction. An "EMO" tail would be an obvious signal, something we would not be able to control or hide, so a very obvious manifestation.As we think it would improve our emotional and social interaction it would with a big probability also cause us a lot of problems, confront us with situations we would usually try to avoid or find embarrasing.

The tail would stretch down to our feet when in a "sleeping" mode and move simmilar to the way the tail of cats and dogs does. It moves on its own. You cannot control it as it is like the rest of our body language a subconscious manifestation. It doesn’t work like we human, how we can control with moving our body. Like our hands, legs, arm, lips, etc. It will move on our impulses and the tail reacts to it. For example like blushing. Because women and men react differently there will be a tail for men and one for a female.

Thing that the tail for example can do, is that it glows from lightly till hard bright light but also a twinkle light at the top (like the finger of E.T.).That it goes up (erect), it has warmth and heath, it can shake & vibrate and its retract, it can come in and out sow you have the possibility to hide it.

A possibility the tail would like is with silicon combine with technology.

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