woensdag 28 april 2010
The cost of one machine will be 300 euro’s. This is based on the price of a IPod.
What I found of information of retail value of a iPod:The retail value of the 30-gigabyte video iPod that the authors examined was $299. The most expensive component in it was the hard drive, which was manufactured by Toshiba and costs about $73. The next most costly components were the display module (about $20), the video/multimedia processor chip ($8) and the controller chip ($5). They estimated that the final assembly, done in China, cost only about $4 a unit.
Because The Aroma will not be so much different then a iPod. Infact the system/ software is easier. You don’t have allot of applications. Only the most important thing is that. You have to put the smell into the device. And that it has to come out. When it’s empty, you will have to replace it.But this isn’t a hard progress, and doesn’t cost allot of money. Because the technique is eassy.
For the wine bar their will have to be 20 Aroma’s (the machine). To make the wine bar a success. Because people will come in groups. Or different kind of small groups like couples, triples, etc.
Cost of wine arrangement inclusive with food and with the device.
3 glasses of wine in 1,5 our 12,50 Euros
7 glasses of wine in 2,5 ours 22,50 Euros
10 glasses of wine 4 ours 49,00 Euros
Sow if you have 20 people that take 10 glasses 980,00 Euros.
It’s an investment, and the wine bar will have not much extra costs thenther wine bars/ restaurant. You will have to see it, that somebody invest in a new stow.
What I found of information of retail value of a iPod:The retail value of the 30-gigabyte video iPod that the authors examined was $299. The most expensive component in it was the hard drive, which was manufactured by Toshiba and costs about $73. The next most costly components were the display module (about $20), the video/multimedia processor chip ($8) and the controller chip ($5). They estimated that the final assembly, done in China, cost only about $4 a unit.
Because The Aroma will not be so much different then a iPod. Infact the system/ software is easier. You don’t have allot of applications. Only the most important thing is that. You have to put the smell into the device. And that it has to come out. When it’s empty, you will have to replace it.But this isn’t a hard progress, and doesn’t cost allot of money. Because the technique is eassy.
For the wine bar their will have to be 20 Aroma’s (the machine). To make the wine bar a success. Because people will come in groups. Or different kind of small groups like couples, triples, etc.
Cost of wine arrangement inclusive with food and with the device.
3 glasses of wine in 1,5 our 12,50 Euros
7 glasses of wine in 2,5 ours 22,50 Euros
10 glasses of wine 4 ours 49,00 Euros
Sow if you have 20 people that take 10 glasses 980,00 Euros.
It’s an investment, and the wine bar will have not much extra costs thenther wine bars/ restaurant. You will have to see it, that somebody invest in a new stow.
dinsdag 27 april 2010
Wine for dummies
Discovering How to Sniff a Glass of Wine
The process of tasting a wine - of systematically experiencing all the wine's attributes — involves three steps: Looking at it, smelling it, and, finally, tasting it. Before you explore the smelling ritual, know that a) you don't have to apply this procedure to every single wine you drink; b) you won't look foolish doing it, at least in the eyes of other wine lovers; and c) it's a great trick at parties to avoid talking with someone you don't like.
Swirl 'n' sniff
To get the most out of your wine sniffing, you swirl the wine in the glass first. Don't even think about swirling your wine if your glass is more than half full — you'll end up sloshing it everywhere.
Here's a closer look at how to swirl and sniff your wine:
1. Keep your glass on the table and rotate it three or four times so that the wine swirls around inside the glass and mixes with air.
As you swirl, the aromatic compounds in the wine vaporize so that you can smell them. Wine has so many of these compounds that whatever scent you detect probably isn't a figment of your imagination.
2. Quickly bring the glass to your nose, stick your nose right into the airspace of the glass where the aromas are captured, and smell the wine.
Try different techniques of sniffing. Some people like to take short, quick sniffs, while others like to inhale a deep whiff of the wine's smell. Keeping your mouth open a bit while you inhale can help you perceive aromas. (Some people even hold one nostril closed and smell with the other.)
3. Free-associate — think of what the aroma brings to mind.
Is the aroma fruity, woodsy, fresh, cooked, intense, light? Your nose tires quickly, but it recovers quickly, too. Wait just a moment and try again. Listen to your friends' comments and try to find the same things they find in the smell.
The point behind this whole ritual of swirling and sniffing is that what you smell should be pleasurable, maybe even fascinating, and that you should have fun in the process.
Keep these pointers in mind as you sniff around:
Don't wear a strong scent; it will compete with the smell of the wine.
Don't knock yourself out smelling a wine when there are strong food aromas around. The tomatoes you smell in the wine could really be the tomato in someone's pasta sauce.
Become a smeller. When it comes to smelling wine, many people are concerned that they aren't able to detect as many aromas as they think they should. Train your nose by smelling every ingredient when you cook, the foods you eat, the fresh fruits and vegetables at the market, and even the smells of your environment — like leather, wet earth, fresh road tar, grass, your wet dog, shoe polish, everything. Stuff your mental database with smells so that you'll have aroma memories at your disposal when you need to draw on them.
Smelling wine is really just a matter of practice and attention. If you start to pay more attention to smells in your normal activities, you'll get better at smelling wine.
Lingo to know
With poetic license typical of wine tasters, someone once dubbed the smell of a wine its nose — and the expression took hold. If someone says that a wine has a huge nose, he means that the wine has a very strong smell. If the wine enthusiast detects lemon in the nose or on the nose, she means that the wine smells a bit like lemons.
In fact, most wine tasters rarely use the word smell to describe how a wine smells because the word smell (like the word odor) has negative connotations. Instead, wine tasters talk about the wine's nose or aroma. Sometimes they use the word bouquet, although that word is falling out of fashion.
Just as a wine taster might use the term nose for the smell of a wine, he might use the word palate in referring to the taste of a wine. A wine's palate is the overall impression the wine gives in your mouth, or any isolated aspect of the wine's taste, as in "This wine has a harmonious palate," or "The palate of this wine is a bit acidic." When a wine taster says that she finds raspberries on the palate, he means that the wine has the flavour of raspberries.
The process of tasting a wine - of systematically experiencing all the wine's attributes — involves three steps: Looking at it, smelling it, and, finally, tasting it. Before you explore the smelling ritual, know that a) you don't have to apply this procedure to every single wine you drink; b) you won't look foolish doing it, at least in the eyes of other wine lovers; and c) it's a great trick at parties to avoid talking with someone you don't like.
Swirl 'n' sniff
To get the most out of your wine sniffing, you swirl the wine in the glass first. Don't even think about swirling your wine if your glass is more than half full — you'll end up sloshing it everywhere.
Here's a closer look at how to swirl and sniff your wine:
1. Keep your glass on the table and rotate it three or four times so that the wine swirls around inside the glass and mixes with air.
As you swirl, the aromatic compounds in the wine vaporize so that you can smell them. Wine has so many of these compounds that whatever scent you detect probably isn't a figment of your imagination.
2. Quickly bring the glass to your nose, stick your nose right into the airspace of the glass where the aromas are captured, and smell the wine.
Try different techniques of sniffing. Some people like to take short, quick sniffs, while others like to inhale a deep whiff of the wine's smell. Keeping your mouth open a bit while you inhale can help you perceive aromas. (Some people even hold one nostril closed and smell with the other.)
3. Free-associate — think of what the aroma brings to mind.
Is the aroma fruity, woodsy, fresh, cooked, intense, light? Your nose tires quickly, but it recovers quickly, too. Wait just a moment and try again. Listen to your friends' comments and try to find the same things they find in the smell.
The point behind this whole ritual of swirling and sniffing is that what you smell should be pleasurable, maybe even fascinating, and that you should have fun in the process.
Keep these pointers in mind as you sniff around:
Don't wear a strong scent; it will compete with the smell of the wine.
Don't knock yourself out smelling a wine when there are strong food aromas around. The tomatoes you smell in the wine could really be the tomato in someone's pasta sauce.
Become a smeller. When it comes to smelling wine, many people are concerned that they aren't able to detect as many aromas as they think they should. Train your nose by smelling every ingredient when you cook, the foods you eat, the fresh fruits and vegetables at the market, and even the smells of your environment — like leather, wet earth, fresh road tar, grass, your wet dog, shoe polish, everything. Stuff your mental database with smells so that you'll have aroma memories at your disposal when you need to draw on them.
Smelling wine is really just a matter of practice and attention. If you start to pay more attention to smells in your normal activities, you'll get better at smelling wine.
Lingo to know
With poetic license typical of wine tasters, someone once dubbed the smell of a wine its nose — and the expression took hold. If someone says that a wine has a huge nose, he means that the wine has a very strong smell. If the wine enthusiast detects lemon in the nose or on the nose, she means that the wine smells a bit like lemons.
In fact, most wine tasters rarely use the word smell to describe how a wine smells because the word smell (like the word odor) has negative connotations. Instead, wine tasters talk about the wine's nose or aroma. Sometimes they use the word bouquet, although that word is falling out of fashion.
Just as a wine taster might use the term nose for the smell of a wine, he might use the word palate in referring to the taste of a wine. A wine's palate is the overall impression the wine gives in your mouth, or any isolated aspect of the wine's taste, as in "This wine has a harmonious palate," or "The palate of this wine is a bit acidic." When a wine taster says that she finds raspberries on the palate, he means that the wine has the flavour of raspberries.
example of wine smelling
Target Group
Because this is a hole new concept, the Younger target fits this the best. For more then one reason. More and more younger people starting their interests for wine. And getting some knowledge about it. But mostly their exploring with wine. Also the wine bars are getting more popular along this generation. But they don’t use the following order: Look, Swirl, Smell, Taste it and spit it out. No they drink it. And finally they do it more fore the drinking then exploring the wine. Sow this target group has to be a little bit more serious. But it is still a night out. A night of fun when you come to the wine bar. And when you found your smell you have the possibility to drink. To make the concept more interesting the device has to be modern, it has to go with time and with young people. So the device is high technical. With touch screen for example. You can compare the device wit a ipod. It has to intrigue the target group. The young generation wants’ more technology, the more the better it is.
A group within the younger generation are the wine lovers. A person with perfect wine knowledge, smells wine blind and they can tell witch kind of wine it is. This is a good way to practise for those how has wine as their hobby.
At least is it for people how like to experience. How are dared to try something new and different. It’s a night out, like the movies. Or instead of usual bar.
A group within the younger generation are the wine lovers. A person with perfect wine knowledge, smells wine blind and they can tell witch kind of wine it is. This is a good way to practise for those how has wine as their hobby.
At least is it for people how like to experience. How are dared to try something new and different. It’s a night out, like the movies. Or instead of usual bar.
research - Why we smell wine by Jon Bonné
Swirling and sniffing are crucial, perhaps the most crucial, parts of evaluating wine.
We swirl wine to expose the actual liquid to the air, to run it up the sides of the glass and to get an extra look at its color. The drops, or tears, that trickle back down tell lots about alcohol content. The color of the wine, both when still and when swirled, gives hints to its density, the type and quality of the grape and the condition of the wine. New wine often has brighter hues than older wine.
Plus, some wine — particularly red wine — needs to oxidize slightly when opened. If it has been properly stored, little oxygen will have reached it. As wines age, they need air to help fully release their aromas and flavors. Swirling helps.
Why smell? A wine's real charm can be found in its scent. Here you can discern a wine's primary and secondary aromas. All those frou-frou descriptions about scents of huckleberries and roses? That's how we detect many of them. Smelling offers a preview of what you might taste, not just then, but also if you let the wine sit for a while and open up.
Indeed, smell and taste have been intricately linked in the brain, and much of the taste of wine (or food) is lost without the smell. Don't believe me? Try holding your nose and swishing some wine in your mouth. Then try it without holding your nose. See the difference.
Scent also helps detect if a wine is spoiled. If you're smelling damp cardboard or gym socks, there may be cork taint, the presence of a destructive little compound called trichloroanisole (TCA). That's what we mean when we say a wine is "corked."
There's lots more — books full, in fact — on why all these rituals are not just wine snobs showing off. Traditionally, in a restaurant, you're usually checking for any faults, not whether a wine is to your taste. (That should have been resolved when you ordered it.) You're figuring out whether to start drinking it immediately, or whether to ask for a decanter, which helps aerate it and filters out sediment in older wines.
We swirl wine to expose the actual liquid to the air, to run it up the sides of the glass and to get an extra look at its color. The drops, or tears, that trickle back down tell lots about alcohol content. The color of the wine, both when still and when swirled, gives hints to its density, the type and quality of the grape and the condition of the wine. New wine often has brighter hues than older wine.
Plus, some wine — particularly red wine — needs to oxidize slightly when opened. If it has been properly stored, little oxygen will have reached it. As wines age, they need air to help fully release their aromas and flavors. Swirling helps.
Why smell? A wine's real charm can be found in its scent. Here you can discern a wine's primary and secondary aromas. All those frou-frou descriptions about scents of huckleberries and roses? That's how we detect many of them. Smelling offers a preview of what you might taste, not just then, but also if you let the wine sit for a while and open up.
Indeed, smell and taste have been intricately linked in the brain, and much of the taste of wine (or food) is lost without the smell. Don't believe me? Try holding your nose and swishing some wine in your mouth. Then try it without holding your nose. See the difference.
Scent also helps detect if a wine is spoiled. If you're smelling damp cardboard or gym socks, there may be cork taint, the presence of a destructive little compound called trichloroanisole (TCA). That's what we mean when we say a wine is "corked."
There's lots more — books full, in fact — on why all these rituals are not just wine snobs showing off. Traditionally, in a restaurant, you're usually checking for any faults, not whether a wine is to your taste. (That should have been resolved when you ordered it.) You're figuring out whether to start drinking it immediately, or whether to ask for a decanter, which helps aerate it and filters out sediment in older wines.
Concept The Aroma
The concept for the Crosslab smell-life-technology. Is that their is a wine smelling bar in stead of a wine tasting bar (wijnproeverij in Dutch).
Here people can smell different kind of wines with a machine. You enter in to the machine witch flavour you want or like. For example woody, fruity, floral, spicy, etc. It also can be more then one. Or you do everything separately. That is your own choice.
With these choices, you have to make choices within these categories. From these choices, their well be a list of possibilities. These possibility you can smell. These options witch you can choose out of it, its based on the reel aroma wheel for wine. To smell your choice you press the button smell. And the smell will come out of this machine. The swirling and other techniques you normally have to do before you smell the wine, is included in the smell.
The smell will be in small kinds of tubes, that will be in the device. The idea behind it, is that it has the concept of sample perfume’s. But then in tubes. The smell will come out if you press the smell button. This will not come out, same as the sample perfumes but like a aroma. But it comes back as the same idea.
You try different kind of possibility’s and of different kind of brands. When you decided your smell, you will have the glass of wine. This way you will get your perfect taste of wine. Instead hearing people talk about wine. You discover different kind of wines. This combines with your own prefer interests. Your knowledge of wine will also rise. Because you yourself will experience wine.
Every wine has different kinds of smell, what is called Aroma. People that are for miller with tasting wine. Prefer calling a wine’s nose or aroma instead of smell. This is because the word smell has a negative connation.
The device will adjust on the seasons. Because in the winter you want for example a stronger red wine. And in the summer a light, fruity white wine.
Smell is a very important attribute of drinking wine. It’s a preview of what you will get. That’s why I think the Aroma is good device.
Here people can smell different kind of wines with a machine. You enter in to the machine witch flavour you want or like. For example woody, fruity, floral, spicy, etc. It also can be more then one. Or you do everything separately. That is your own choice.
With these choices, you have to make choices within these categories. From these choices, their well be a list of possibilities. These possibility you can smell. These options witch you can choose out of it, its based on the reel aroma wheel for wine. To smell your choice you press the button smell. And the smell will come out of this machine. The swirling and other techniques you normally have to do before you smell the wine, is included in the smell.
The smell will be in small kinds of tubes, that will be in the device. The idea behind it, is that it has the concept of sample perfume’s. But then in tubes. The smell will come out if you press the smell button. This will not come out, same as the sample perfumes but like a aroma. But it comes back as the same idea.
You try different kind of possibility’s and of different kind of brands. When you decided your smell, you will have the glass of wine. This way you will get your perfect taste of wine. Instead hearing people talk about wine. You discover different kind of wines. This combines with your own prefer interests. Your knowledge of wine will also rise. Because you yourself will experience wine.
Every wine has different kinds of smell, what is called Aroma. People that are for miller with tasting wine. Prefer calling a wine’s nose or aroma instead of smell. This is because the word smell has a negative connation.
The device will adjust on the seasons. Because in the winter you want for example a stronger red wine. And in the summer a light, fruity white wine.
Smell is a very important attribute of drinking wine. It’s a preview of what you will get. That’s why I think the Aroma is good device.
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