dinsdag 27 april 2010

Target Group

Because this is a hole new concept, the Younger target fits this the best. For more then one reason. More and more younger people starting their interests for wine. And getting some knowledge about it. But mostly their exploring with wine. Also the wine bars are getting more popular along this generation. But they don’t use the following order: Look, Swirl, Smell, Taste it and spit it out. No they drink it. And finally they do it more fore the drinking then exploring the wine. Sow this target group has to be a little bit more serious. But it is still a night out. A night of fun when you come to the wine bar. And when you found your smell you have the possibility to drink. To make the concept more interesting the device has to be modern, it has to go with time and with young people. So the device is high technical. With touch screen for example. You can compare the device wit a ipod. It has to intrigue the target group. The young generation wants’ more technology, the more the better it is.

A group within the younger generation are the wine lovers. A person with perfect wine knowledge, smells wine blind and they can tell witch kind of wine it is. This is a good way to practise for those how has wine as their hobby.

At least is it for people how like to experience. How are dared to try something new and different. It’s a night out, like the movies. Or instead of usual bar.

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