dinsdag 27 april 2010

Concept The Aroma

The concept for the Crosslab smell-life-technology. Is that their is a wine smelling bar in stead of a wine tasting bar (wijnproeverij in Dutch).

Here people can smell different kind of wines with a machine. You enter in to the machine witch flavour you want or like. For example woody, fruity, floral, spicy, etc. It also can be more then one. Or you do everything separately. That is your own choice.

With these choices, you have to make choices within these categories. From these choices, their well be a list of possibilities. These possibility you can smell. These options witch you can choose out of it, its based on the reel aroma wheel for wine. To smell your choice you press the button smell. And the smell will come out of this machine. The swirling and other techniques you normally have to do before you smell the wine, is included in the smell.

The smell will be in small kinds of tubes, that will be in the device. The idea behind it, is that it has the concept of sample perfume’s. But then in tubes. The smell will come out if you press the smell button. This will not come out, same as the sample perfumes but like a aroma. But it comes back as the same idea.

You try different kind of possibility’s and of different kind of brands. When you decided your smell, you will have the glass of wine. This way you will get your perfect taste of wine. Instead hearing people talk about wine. You discover different kind of wines. This combines with your own prefer interests. Your knowledge of wine will also rise. Because you yourself will experience wine.

Every wine has different kinds of smell, what is called Aroma. People that are for miller with tasting wine. Prefer calling a wine’s nose or aroma instead of smell. This is because the word smell has a negative connation.

The device will adjust on the seasons. Because in the winter you want for example a stronger red wine. And in the summer a light, fruity white wine.

Smell is a very important attribute of drinking wine. It’s a preview of what you will get. That’s why I think the Aroma is good device.

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